Darth Vadar didn't turn out to be Brenda, as "HP" was neither Hewlett Packard and/or Harry Potter. The culprit behind both really obnoxious pranks was none other than my sister Amy, who giggled hysterically on the phone when I called her bluff last night.

Anticipating another let me just burst your bubble reply from "HP", I spent yesterday morning thinking in-between calls of more names starting with those two letters, when suddenly it came to me.

HP ... High Priestess! Which was followed by a four letter word rhyming with duck ...

Shaking my head, I couldn't believe that the obvious wasn't at first obvious at all, although the negative undertones should have given my sister away.

Yes, Amy. I said negative.

Whether or not you want to admit it, you enjoy being the little black rain cloud hanging out over my parade, and while sometimes I find it mildly amusing, there are more times when I find it not.

But mocking me on my own blog is just plain rude and not very funny at all. This I think you know.

So give me a break, Miss Center Stage, and make your comments under your own recognizable name, where you can be held accountable for them. You may be my sister, and I may love you, but even love has its limits.

And just a word to the wise ... If I see any comments left by someone with the initials MCS on this blog, I'm going to toilet paper your house, front and back, both sides, up and down, on Halloween until your house looks like a giant wet cotton ball.

And I'm not just saying that.

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