I've been away so long that somebody should have sent the search party by now ... I just hope they bring their own DJ ...

Hello all and welcome back to yet another Sunday afternoon at NWTLO, where I attempt to amuse you and keep you all from sustaining serious head injuries by falling asleep face down at your computer.

Not that I'm promising anything, of course ... Around here, there are no guaranties.

Today, there is a whole list of things I should be doing, and things I should be getting done, but so far, I haven't felt like doing much other than typing my brains out. Why do you ask?

Because correspondence is a much preferable way to spend a day, writing little tidbits to make someone you're just beginning to know laugh, and laughing yourself when their sense of humor so closely matches your own.

If I had to choose between folding laundry and/or laughing, would there be any question as to which would win.

But I suppose I should do something.

Like maybe run to the grocery store and buy a gallon of milk and other items needed to fill the larder. But then again, there is always tomorrow ...

Procrastination be damned!

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