Rain, rain go away ...

It's cold, it's wet and outside it's miserable. Throughout the night, listening to the rain tap against the window, I drifted in and out of consciousness, my mind immersed in strange dreams featuring kittens, hospitals, and people I didn't even know.

I feel like I didn't sleep at all.

When my alarm went off at 5 this morning, I was already awake. Eyes open, I watched the numbers change one by one on the clock, but was adamant in my refusal to leave the warm, encloaking comfort of my cacoon. I closed my eyes, and waited, but sleep did not return.

So I'm awake, running late as usual, with only a small amount of time to get myself, and then KC up and ready to go. Which means this post must come to a close.

Happy Two for Tuesday. Have yourself a wonderful day.

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