I'm not going to talk about work, other than to say it was another long day on the phones, trying to figure out where everybody's order were, and how it was that things have gone from being under control, to out of control.

But they don't like to take me seriously out in the plant. They seem to think I get my knickers in a twist for absolutely no reason, when in reality, all I'm trying to do is service the customer in the best way I know how, which means when he's missing an order he should have gotten two weeks ago, I'm going to make sure he gets it the next day, no matter who has a problem with that.

So it was, that I went from one person to the next, trying to make amends, only to be turned away, again and again and told to talk to someone else to get the answer I needed to hear. The guys in the plant, are under the impression that if ignored long enough, I will simply just go away.

Which only goes to show, how much they don't really know me at all.

I'm like a little bulldog, with very sharp teeth. Tenacious, and willing to wait anyone out. Back in high school, I was the girl elected least likely to be ignored, a title which has proven true right to this very day.

So I dumped the smile, and threw a little attitude and got done exactly what I set out to do, despite the fact, that one of the guys told me, I am far too "sensitive", when it comes to taking things personally on the job.

He might just as well have told me I was a bitch, because anyone worth their salt, could have read that little comment he meant to slip between the lines.

Oh well ... This wasn't supposed to be a post about work. Lord knows, I have enough of that place in the day, I certainly don't want to bring it home with me at night.

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