What I've learned today ...


When maintaining a blog, keep it family free, as family members who read it, tend to focus more on the critical things you say, rather than the positive ones you've made.


When in between a rock and hard place, do not make deals with your family. They will steal your money, leave you with nothing, and abuse you at the dinner table after having read your blog that you should have never given them the address to.


Know when to leave. Know when to push back your chair, grab your child, and make for the door, before the angry mob can carry you away, and offer you up for sacrifice.


Convince your sister that when you called her the "High Preistess" in a past blog, you were really paying her a compliment.


And when all else fails, join the witness protection program. Change your name, color your hair, learn to speak another language and leave the country as fast as you can, all without never having looked back.

But what I've learned most today, other than the fact my sister is quite sure I now need therapy in the worst way, is to remember that other people sometimes see things differently.

What appears clear to you, is often very murky for some.

So in the case that you are offended in some small or maybe even some very big way by what you've read, remember that I still love you despite all the trials you've put me through in my relatively short life and know that I've addressed my therapist bill to you.

Thank you ... And goodnight.

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