I didn't trust, and I was right not to trust.

One would think that I would have learned my lesson by now, but in reality, I haven't.

I keep thinking that somewhere, someone or something is going to change. But nothing and no one ever does. In this, they are predictable.

But I won't break, despite how fragile I feel inside. And I won't be angry, even though everything inside me tells me I have a right to be.

I'll simply smile through tears, and remind myself that a risk worth taking, can have numerous outcomes. You can win, you can lose and you can leave, never knowing what you missed.

I am your everything minus one.

An almost all, that leaves you with nothing but a
vague association of feelings.

A jumble of emotions,
without name or cause or reason.

I am a jigsaw puzzle,
the piece that will not fit, and yet
my background is the same,
so easily could I blend into your picture.

But I am faded now from disappointment.
Turned away for lack of color.

Your words trip lightly over pale parchment
and I read between the lines,
to the things you do not say.

To a tomorrow forgotten,
and the words that once held your brightness,
dim now in comparison
to this dark text placed before me.

You who dreams to be everything minus nothing.

But from you,
I would not take away a single element of your being.

Nor pick apart your person, like a
vulture feasting on old bones.

Perfect in your non-perfection.


And that is you,
the you that held me enthralled and captivated
within moments of conversation,
connecting, never missing a step.

But how we falter now with lack of promise.

The hand of judgement hard upon the gavel,
we are dismissed,
thrown out like yesterdays news
quickly read.

I am old now,
ancient in my wisdom once again learned too late.

Left with reflections that
no longer ripple on your surface,
Washed away from your tide sinking back to sea,
polished smooth at the bottom of your ocean.

~ Stacey

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