Another Easy Sunday Morning

Happy French Toast Day to one and all. Where despite the incredibly small amount of syrup to share between three people, we have made it through breakfast unscathed. Though that may not last too long the way the girls are fighting this morning. Or better yet, I should say girl since KC is decidely the bigger brat of the two, and the instigator of all that sounds whiny and complaintative.

When it comes to my niece - her cousin - KC is over the top jealous of Jordy like you wouldn't believe. I think last nights comment may have said it all, "Whenever Jordy comes over, you pay more attention to her than me, cause you love her better than me."

Which is absolutely untrue. And yet, not seeing Jordy as often as I do KC, it's hard not to spoil her for the first 10 minutes that she's here, amplified only by KC's monster behavior towards her cousin who idolizes her as the ultimate girl.

Camped out on my bedroom floor last night, they called it truce just long enough to attach blankets from my dresser, to one of the posts of my four poster bed, making a make-shift tent for them to sleep under. A tent I later destroyed after they had fallen asleep to keep them warm with the blankets on a night that despite my actually having turned on the heat prior to the first of November, remained cold.

And now, now it seems they've retreated upstairs together as I take this moment of solitude to type and sort my thoughts. Thoughts that have me thinking it's time to take a shower, face the day, and go buy some pumpkins that I am sure are begging to be carved.

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