Sting of the Scorpion

I'm a little gun shy on the comment feature and seriously considered pulling it from the blog today, after reading a malicious comment purposely left to upset my world. And to be honest, if the anonymous person's intention was to cause hurt, they'll be happy to know that their words hit me like daggers to the heart. And so I say job well done. You must be ever so proud of yourself, to speak so clearly and eloquently while wielding your kryptonyte.

And yet, I say no.

No words, despite the cold, cruel way in which they are said, or the direction in which they are pointed, will ever be enough to sway me from remaining true to NWTLO. This is my place, my safe haven, my small corner of the world online and I will let no one chase me from it. Not someone whose name I know, or someone who chooses to hide like a coward beneath a cloak of anonymity.

Say what you will about me, but know this, I am no coward. And words meant to do harm, wound me only momentarily before they heal. And I am stronger, much stronger than before. Because in this it is my destiny, it's in my name, and like the rising of the phoenix, I too rise from the ashes of destruction to breathe again.

1 comment:

Ron Simpson said...

It takes all kinds to make the world go round. we cant all be the mailroom clerk any more than we can all be the CEO. So, there are a few individuals out there totally at odds with their lot in life (I find generally a quagmire of their own creation)and can only lash out anonymously. I find that ignoring them is pretty much as deadly to them as a dagger thru the heart (though not nearly as much fun .. lol). My wife and I have enjoyed reading your blog for months now and have added it to our daily reading list.
So, while your words were out walking thru the world wide web, they stepped in some doo and tracked it back to the house. Grab some cleaner and continue on.

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