Variations On a Theme Song

Woke up this morning to the "Eye of the Tiger" song, and have to admit, it's quite more invigorating than a hot shower. Not only did I feel like the girl version of Rocky, but I was almost tempted to put on a pair of gray sweatpants, a black skull cap, and a pair of cut off at the fingers gloves and go for a run. Almost, but not quite. You somehow lose the effect when you step outside you're door and all you see and all you smell is farm fresh. That and there are two really big hills on either side of me, whichever way you go and as we all know, the laws of gravity don't exactly lend a helping hand on the way back up, like they do on the way down.

Speaking of the way down, I'm on my way in. Into work that is. I'm back on early shift for the next two weeks, which means that although I'll finally get a parking space that's not in East Timbucktu, I actually have to arrive somewhat on time. Oh well, a girl has better things to do than blog all the time. Not sure what those may be, but I'm convinced I may actually find out someday.

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