Home Again, Home Again

I should have heeded my own advice and admitted defeat prior to getting to work feeling as ill as one could possibly feel, when one is more than aware that they're really not feeling very well at all.

And despite the stack, and I do mean stack of work that has piled up on my desk overnight, I just couldn't do it. Couldn't sit there answering calls, when it felt like I should be draping my head over the toilet, praying to the porcelain God.

And since everyone felt the need to share with me that I looked like death warmed over this morning, and should go home to get some much needed rest, I decided the best thing I could do would be to take their advice. (Although it should be noted that Joe was pretty unhappy by this unplanned turn of events. Not only was his nose out of joint, but I'm pretty sure his knickers were twisted too.)

So now I'm home, about to take myself upstairs, climb under my duvet cover, and call it lights out, at least for a little while ...

1 comment:

KC said...

Wicked hard ... Like Lettuce.

(Remember Lettuce? It was love at first site at the salad bar. That was until he crashed us in a head on collision at Price Chopper - straight into a pretty non-movable pole, and the night I puked up a mighty blue Blue Hawaiian. Ugh. Neither good on the way down or the way back up.)

Enough with memory lane. I'm going back to bed, bed, bed.

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