Quick Thoughts

Not really in the mood to think of something overly witty or clever tonight, so I'll leave you with a few jumbled thoughts to tide you over until tomorrow, starting with the rude woman at the grocery store, who simply couldn't wait her turn in the frozen food aisle and practically tore the freezer door from its hinges as she shuffled me out of her way.

Now normally I don't let my mouth go off on a tangent, opting to shut up and put up with bizarre, outlandish behavior rather than cause a scuffle in the middle of aisle 9, but tonight I couldn't quite keep myself from going off like a fire cracker. Although in hindsight, perhaps I would be better compared to a sparkler, quick to catch fire but quicker yet to sputter out.

So when this overly rude and obnoxious lady shoved me out of her way in order to grab her bag of Oreida fries, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice laced with false pleasantry, "I didn't mean to be in your way."

With a look that might have scared young children or a woman of lesser fortitude than I, she curled her lip, tossed her overly highlighted hair over her shoulder and threw her bounty into her cart, barely sparing me a second glass as she put herself in motion. But never one to back down once my dander is raised, I couldn't resist sending another barb in her direction.

"You know, most people would apologize for being rude."

She, of course, had nothing to say. Although had I listened close enough, the word bitch might have been issued in my direction. Done with my shopping and more than ready to leave after such a silly episode, I could only hope and pray that the pushy shopper toned it down a bit, taking care not to run over any helpless old ladies in the milk and cheese aisle.

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