Blogging On the Road

Greetings and Salutations from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, my halfway mark to destination North Carolina.

And having gotten this far, I have come to the conclusion that (a) traveling with children is not for the weak of heart, (b) there are only so many times you can say, "No, we're not there yet." without getting highly agitated, (c) making your daughter's pajamas talk in a high pitched squeaky voice to enduce her to quit the whining and put them on while maintaining said sanity which is precariously hanging in the balance as it is, is the only way you can make yourself laugh and not run screaming for the hills, and (d) on the eve of your 30th birthday, there are surely better things you could be doing with your time than spending it with two minor children intent on annoying each other in any manner possible.

On that note, I'm exhausted, I lost feeling in my ass four hours ago, my mental condition is deteriorating, and someone - and I don't know who, other than the fact that I am 100% sure it's not me - smells like onions.

More tomorrow if I survive the night ...

1 comment:

L said...

Hey! Happy Birthday!

I know it's still a couple of hours away - but just in case I miss you tomorrow - Have a wonderful Birthday.

This year is going to be great!

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