Counting Down the Days

Starting to feel a bit panicked with the upcoming road trip looming just a few days away. I wish there was a way I could shut these feelings down, the ones that cripple me with fear and will surely cause my hands to grip the steering wheel far too tight for ten hours.

Despite the fact that I have made this drive just once before, and should be confident knowing it's already on my list of things I've done, I'm still scared to death that somehow I'm going to make the wrong turn, get horribly lost and never be seen from again.

Meanwhile, Mother continues to council me that most of the journey is a straight line south, and one that shouldn't worry me over much. Perhaps if there were no other cars on the road, and my car was equipped with a GPS tracking system, along with one of those talking map things, I might feel a little more secure about the whole idea in general.

I have however decided that trying to drive the entire distance in one day is for the birds and far too tiring for one person unused to such a journey to attempt alone. Or in my case, as the only person in the car with a license to drive and two kids I hope will pass on the opportunity to be back seat drivers. That however remains to be seen.

So I'm all about deep breaths in, and deep breaths out at the moment. Reminding myself, very much like the little engine that could, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ...


L said...

Of course you can! Bring a map and a cell phone. You'll be fine.

And isn't your birthday during this trip? All in all, it's but a small and wonderful trip on your life's journey.

KC said...

Thank you guys ... I needed that sisterly boost to glue my courage back to its sticking place.

And believe it or not, the EX came through with a reduced rate for a (sister) hotel in PA, that we'll stop at for the night on Friday. He even went out of his way to make the reservations for us, and called me back with confirmation number and all.

Kind of weird, because then we talked about an unrelated subject for about 15 minutes or so, as if we were - and this is a hard one to swallow - friends.

It was an unexpected surprise ... But far better than the usual alternative.

KC said...
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