Not Another Bright Idea!

I'm thinking about audio blogging my trip to North Carolina next week. That way when I get lost - as I'm prone to do - I can send out an SOS to the world, rather than relying on my Mother alone to find me in that great big somewhere out there.

Of course, I haven't taken into consideration that I can't even manage to change out a CD without almost going off the road, let alone talking into a phone while worrying how dumb my voice might sound recorded.

The ultimate horror however, would be if I were to forget to shut the phone down, and you all caught me singing along with my favorite tunes. Not that I can't sing, cause I've heard myself in the shower and I'm damn good, but I'd still be embarrassed just the same.

Or maybe I could just get my own CB radio and talk trucker for ten straight hours. Hmmm ... Something to think about.

1 comment:

Orbling said...

Well it'd certainly beat most of the radio station offerings, LOL

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