
Managed to fall asleep last night, with the TV on, with the lights on, and didn't even bother to wake up when the alarm went off at 5:30 this morning for what was supposed to be an early start.

An early start to the day so I can leave work early this afternoon to attend KC's parent/teacher conference. And despite my fears that this was going to be another year of fighting some old battle-axe in a desperate attempt to remind her that kids have just got to be kids and not little grown-ups all the time, my fears have gone unfounded.

In fact, this teacher has really impressed me with the creativity she allows in the classroom, and the positive manner in which she presents new ideas to the students. And KC's report card has given proof that the happier she is with a teacher, the better her grades, and the better her behavior.

1 comment:

Orbling said...

It is regrettable that few teachers seem to be truly aware that a child pretty much always works best when they are happiest and like who they're working for.

A happy class is a productive class.

Besides, what on earth is the use of an academically successful unhappy child? I know which of those attributes I'd rather see removed.

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