
A ha fucking ha!

I did not hear voices in my sleep! It turns our my stupid and most heinous neighbor Kathy is having something of a little get together just two doors down. And as usual, people leaving her apartment cannot keep their mouth shut long enough to just get to their cars and drive away ... No, they've got to wake everyone up in the process of their leaving. (Must write a note to the landlord about that ...)

And it also turns the fuck out that the voice was calling Kathy - okay so it doesn't even sound close to Stacey, but hey I will remind you I was in full REM sleep when I heard this, so take it with a grain of salt and all that. Anyhoo, at least I feel better about not hearing phantom voices. I'd really hate to think I was the new John Edwards in town ... Not when I can guarantee that my personal constitution just couldn't take that. You are after all listening to the ramblings of a girl who was scared of ET, checked underneath her bed for monsters every night, slept with (and sometimes still sleeps) with a light on, has a no limbs outside the confines of the comforter while slumbering rule and has on more than one occasion yelled Mommy when waking from a bad dream.

Of course, none of this sounds too bad until I mention that fact that I'm 30 and still practicing these same routines ... OY.

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