Friends and Family

My beloved Mommsy sent me this email today and it made me chuckle ... Hence why I feel the need to share it all with you ... (well at least I didn't forward it!)

When you are sad -- I will help get you drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

When you smile -- I will know you finally had sex.

When you are scared -- I will rag on you about it every chance I get.

When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and tell you to quit whining.

When you are confused -- I will use little words.

When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you are well again.; I don't want whatever you have.

When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.

This is my oath...I pledge it till the end. Why? You may ask? Because you are my friend!

Remember: A good friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body.

In other news I received the following email this evening ...

here is my paper, I will send it to your home address also. Thanks a bunch. I will also be reading it over, so suggestions are greatly welcomed but I know, that there are most likely some definite fine tunings, I just figured I would send the paper to you sooner over later. Thanks again.

the youngest most annoyingest, but the one you love most,

Guess I'm hitting the books ... More from me later if my head doesn't explode after reading her civic paper. (She could at least take more interesting classes for me to read up on!)


Orbling said...

As they say, Friends are those that know everything about you, and still talk to you. ;)

Second-hand education is really handy, you learn so much more by doing everyone else's courses aswell as your own. My knowledge of my brother's courses is pretty reasonable. ;)

Orbling said...

Oh, but they're cute and furry! :p

I'll boycott the movie advice in protest.

KC said...

Do I get a vote?

My votes are pulling for any of the following ...

1. Comedy
2. Romantic Comedy
3. Brit Flick (I love em.)
4. Or anything that will make me ball my eyes out.

On the list of things I'd rather not watch ...

1. Horror Movies
2. Horror Suspense Movies
3. Reportedly funny but not funny movies aka Ben Stiller movies.
4. Action movies
5. Violent movies (How many people can you actual blow up in a single movie before it becomes repetitive?)
6. Cartoons ... But only because this is going to be a grown up sleepover.

(Looking at clock ... I don't want to go to work today! I need me a snow day! Bren ... Ty doesn't have school, they're CLOSED. KC's school isn't even posting a delay.)

KC said...

In regards to your question, "Why can't we watch a scary movie?" the list is as follows ...

1. My screams are ear piercing.
2. No strong burly men to cling to in the really scary parts.
3. Do you really want to have to sleep with a flashlight?
4. I said so ... (Works for me!)

Not so sure of the Nicholas Sparks pick ... I think that maybe just a little too smoozey oozey for me.

We need to watch something along the lines of White Chicks ... Hmmmm ... What a coincidence, I own that movie!


KC said...

And there's nothing wrong with Fraggles!

(I got your back Orb.)


Orbling said...

Cheers, you know I'd do the same for you. ;)

You shouldn't need great burly men to cling to for a scary film. Not that there have been many really scary films of late anyhow.

Wicker Park should not be talked through, that was reasonably good.

Saw Shall We Dance today, that was reasonable, did bring a tear to my eye in one place.

KC said...

Are you sure you saw Wicker Park? Was that the movie that had some guy named Josh something or other in it? Did he misplace his girlfriend and almost end up with a stalker chick?

If so ... That movie completely bombed. The plot was forgettable at best, the actors were like watching mashed potatoes and only suspense I felt was wondering just how much longer was the movie going to play for. Ugh and double ugh.

If this is indeed the same movie you saw and liked, you're going to have to give me reasons why you thought it was good cause I just can't believe it.

As for the need of big burly men to cling to in the scary parts, it's not really a definite need but more like an added bonus.

:) Of course, the last guy I watched a movie with fell asleep and snored through the whole damn thing, so maybe you're right. Maybe it's better to skip that part for now. (Unless there's any volunteers. Can I get a volunteer. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?)

Haven't seen the SWD movie you spoke of. J Lo really does nothing for me in the acting category, so I'm not sure I can see it.

Have you gotten the idea that I'm a VERY PICKY movie goer? It's no wonder I talk my way through half of what I see.

Orbling said...

It tends to be the picky people that talk through films. Fortunately my cinema operates a zero tolerance policy on talkers. They get banned.

J Lo does nothing for me in any category, but fortunately the film doesn't rest on her. It was just mildly pleasent in a dancey romantic way.

I'm very unfussy about films, I can watch anything, I've never walked out of a film, nor talked in one. ;)

Wicker Park had some faults, granted. But I enjoyed it. Josh Harnett is reasonable in it, and I liked the plot.

KC said...

I think I've only walked out of one film, but it's only because the projector broke.

Try explaining it to (a then) 5 year old why she can't finish watching Chicken Run.

Orbling said...

5 year old? If that had happened to me whilst watching that, the staff would've had a hard time explaining it to me.

I would've thrown a tantrum, well maybe.

Fortunately I now have a nice copy of it.

Aardman animation rocks. Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit is out in October. YAYYAYAYAYYYYY

I'm not actually 5, honest.

KC said...

I saw a preview for Wallace and Grommit and I have to admit that I'm eager for its arrival in theatres.

Orbling said...

I think it's secret is that it's essentially an old style english sitcom, done in adorable claymation. It even uses some of our major old sitcom actors voices.

Peter Sallis who does Wallace is pretty much the main character of the longest running english sitcom, Last of the Summer Wine.

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