From the Couch

Stayed home from work today in favor of hanging out on my couch with a remote control and a throw blanket. I probably could have gone into work, but I decided one more day of rest was much needed considering how many times I woke up during the night and the dark black circles smudged beneath my eyes.

Daytime TV however is a nightmare. I spent most of the day channel hopping in hopes of finding something of interest to watch, only to give up and grab a nap after encountering more than one station airing Jerry Springer. (Am I the only one surprised to learn that horrid show is still on the air?)

Anyhoo I'm only dropping by long enough to type this little bit before heading back upstairs to bed. Tomorrow is back to work day whether I like it or not. It's much too early in the year to be using sick days already.

I promise more interesting things to capture your attention later on this week. Until then feel free to amuse yourselves in the archives.


Orbling said...

Always best to stay at home if you're ill, much better to spend an extra day at home, than perform below par for days and infect your colleagues. Sensible companies know this.

Daytime TV is very odd, Springer is awful, can't stand the jeering. I managed to catch some pre-school programmes today as I was, likewise, stuck in front of the box. Some of those are really weird. Though I got to see Spongebob, so I was happy. :)

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

KC said...

Trying to feel better to no avail. Thank for the well wishes.

Lil ... I made an effort to post just for you.

And God please ... No more chicken noodle soup!

Oh, I shouldn't have said that!

(Clutching stomach!)

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