Happy Valentine's Day to all my Peeps in Blogland! I thought a little hand made effort on my part would be the way to show my appreciation to all of you out there who make my day a little bit brighter. Speaking of which, I'm a little low on comments. Show your LOVE people!

Happy VD? Hhmmm...well, that leaves us all with lots of lovely Valentine's day possibilities doesn't it? Hope you have a wonderful 14th Stacey. Perhaps we should all convert to the little known anti-Valentine's day celebrated in Canada. I believe its called "Steak and a BJ Day". I know I'm in! Sorry "YM" it had to be said. Happy Valentines to all!
Heh ... My "YM" has enough of a sense of humor not to call you to task on the steak and BJ comment. Although it is sort of an eclectic mix, don't ya think? Oh well, to each their own. Meanwhile ... How are you?
ST ... Squeezing to commence shortly.
Happy Valentine's. xXx
That's a cute little creature, looks deeply hopeful, longing, vunerable even. It's all in the eyes, always is.
Steak/BJ... misses the point.
Both of those can be bought, and as some great people said "money can't buy you love". Which is fortunate, at least something was saved from the grasp of the dollar king.
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