I savored this book for two days like a present you unwrap slowly. And despite Amazon's somewhat shitty customer comment reviews regarding this book, I'll tell you that in my opinion, it's one of the better reads I've read in a long, long while. In fact, I think I have some dancing to do.
The only time I've danced naked at the edge of dawn is when I'm getting ready for bed far too late in the night (or early in the morning), and it's absolutely freezing... That gets you jumping up and down no end.
Thought I was feeling better but the fact that I'm home and writing this says otherwise. I decided shortly before noon today, that I wasn't accomplishing much at work other than whining so I took a half sick day and here I am.
Chloe, I love the idea of a blogger book club. So often after I read something that moved me, I want to talk to the entire world about it. I hope you do ENJOY this book. The author wrote very eloquently but still managed to capture the minds of women and the phases our lives go through. Read it, tell me what you think and took from it and I'll be more than happy to share my own thoughts.
Orbing ... I am not going to say anything other than I think in pictures! ;)
Oh God, I don't think I have insurance for verbal assault. Think soothing thoughts and I'm sure the disturbance will pass.
Sorry to hear your not much better. I'm stuck in my dressing gown with a cold too. Ruddy annoying it is.
Dressing gown?
Don't you think that might be going a bit too far on the side of personal?
What kind of blog do you think I'm running here?
Dressing gown... had to check with some american friends on the translation... nothing interesting...
Bathrobe, is that right? Nice cosy one.
And seeing as that's the only thing I had on, a picture is desperately unlikely.
Don't think NWTLO is ready to go x-rated.
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