Past Lives

I'm in a mood tonight. A weird mood. The kind of mood that normally gets me into trouble. (Especially if Brenda happens to be around at the same time.) I've learned a few interesting things today. Nothing earth shattering mind you, but interesting nonetheless.

On our way into town, Dad told me the little bit he knew about his grandparents. I learned that my great grandfather Pasquale used to play the piccolo. That neither he nor my great grandmother Carmela spoke any English. And that my great grandmother's best friend was a Polish woman who didn't speak any English, or Italian for that matter.

I can't help but wonder about the little things that get passed down from generation to generation without really realizing it at all.

For instance, I play the flute and the piccolo. My best friend is Polish (left-handed and stood by microwaves as a child) though her command of the English language is quite remarkable. (Heh, heh, heh.)

It's downright strange...

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