On open water.


Orbling said...

I have great memories of this activity... I once totally soaked my mum when she was in the back of one of those. Perhaps I was a little bit too enthusiastic with the paddling. ;)

Sensible going for the single seater option.

KC said...

What you don't see is me standing on the bank, trying to withhold my motherly panic, but unable to do so as I called out, "Not too far from shore now. That's quite far enough. You can turn around any time now! I believe I just said NOW!"

:) Oy. I was more stressed than KC was, who took to canoeing like she was born to it.

Orbling said...

I've always loved it, bit stressful sometimes, but I love the water, learnt to swim when I was a few months old.

Fearing for your child's safety is completely natural. I'd be more concerned if you didn't.

Though I can hear KC yelling "Oh Mom!!" from here. ;)

KC said...

Don't forget the dramatic sigh and the rolling of eyeballs.

Orbling said...

Just as long as she hasn't got to the stage of swearing at you, bursting in to tears and storming off.


Oh the joys of parenthood. Can't wait personally. :)

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