It's Getting Hot in Here

With the weather being as nice as it was all day, I just couldn't say yes to keeping myself inside and quiet. Instead I went over to Bren's and after a bit of chatting went on a shopping expedition to check out a couple of new stores that have recently opened.

Needless to say I'm paying the price now. My skin feels like a five alarm fire and I'm quite sure that had I a thermometer about, it would tell me to slap a cold compress on my head and lay down immediately. Perhaps that's why I'm seeing two of everything ... Kidding, kind of, sort of, although an ice bath sounds like a marvelous proposal.


Orbling said...

*slaps head*

Shopping expeditions are for the well and healthy, or at least the clinically insane. ;)

Hope you're recovering well, and taking it easy!

Ice bath.... argh. :S

KC said...

I blame Brenda ... She called and asked if I wanted to go and I would have felt something awful if I had said no ...

As it is, I was fairly ill on that trip. So much so, I didn't buy a single thing.

Unheard of!

As for the ice bath, I settled for a cold compress.

KC said...

Well from the sounds of what you told me earlier, she doesn't have what I have. Maybe she just had too much juice ...

And remember I did ask you, "Are you sure you want me coming over? I wouldn't want to take the chance of getting the kids sick."

Tell the potato sprout that I hope she feels better.

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