I am up early to face the day today, already having run one load of laundry and quickly working on the second. Lord knows, I hate folding clothes! It reminds me of the 5 years I spent managing a women's clothing store. There's nothing worse than having to fold, and refold stacks of clothing that customer's would just plow through. Nobody understand the time and energy it took to make those precisely stacked little piles. I remember coming home each night, to fold my own clothes and just not being up to the job. Working at the store, I used to say, was like having one giant bedroom that every woman on the face of the earth got to spend time in. Except come 9:00 p.m. the party was over and you were the only one left to pick up after it. Never, ever again ...

I caught Emma drinking out of the toilet this morning. I can't understand why, when she has a perfectly good water dish, she continues to opt for nasty tiolet bowl water. I am so glad I am not a cat. That will start my list of 5 good things I can think about today. I have to think fast of four others so as not to prolong my procrastination too much here ... OK ... Let me think. A garden full of flowers, laugher with friends, KC and I making silly faces, and having the greatest family any girl could have. Now those are some good thoughts!

I also want to congratulate my youngest sister, Jodi Elizabeth, on all her recent accomplishments, which include winning a $10,000 scholarship to the college of her choice, along with another $5,000 and some change. It's hard to believe that she is about to graduate high school in just a few short weeks.

I'm so proud of you little sister, go into the world and make it yours.

With that, I am off to finish the morning chores and haul tail to Albany. A wonderful Saturday to you all.

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