In case you didn't know, some things should never be shouted down the hall at the top of your lungs, while you are at work. This would include clever phrases like, "Can anyone tell me where I can find some lays?" You after all, are the only one who knows that the lay you are referring to, is the one worn around your neck at your youngest sister's Hawaiian themed graduation party.

Of course, nothing beats a flesh and blood cowboy walking into your life when you least expect it, which happened right around lunch time today. Tight denim jeans, leather boots and a how about me and you mosey on off somewhere into the sunset for a little quality time, sly smile. Mr. Good Enough to Eat, had all the office girls sighing in unison. Cheryl even professed a new found interest for horse back riding. All I could say was cowgirl up, giddyup ya little doggies.

I was talking to a girlfriend the other night, and we have decided that the word "single" is in desperate need of a replacement. I offered up a new age solution for explaining our solo status. I think open for opportunity sounds a lot better than almost 30, cat owning spinster, desperate for any attention from the opposite sex, planning the wedding before meeting the groom puts much more of a positive spin to the situation. Now if only I could convince everyone else of this.

Woo hoo! I just got an email from my very best friend in the entire world ... Brenda Gail, ladies and gentlemen, Brenda Gail. She wants to know what my plans are for this weekend ... (Checking my schedule ... Yup no plans.) So of course, I just wrote her back that I am game for absolutely ANYTHING. Crikes! Now my sister Amy is IM'ing me ... Lordy, but I am popular. I feel like tossing my hair and stomping on all the little people.

Ach ... She is such a maroon. She just asked me if I know some obscure screen name, because they have sent her an email photo attachment. Uh hello ... Internet user 101, never open emails that contain attachments from people you do not know. Wasn't that covered in the All I Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten?

I had an odd dream last night about Squiggy, my pet goldfish. He was in this huge bathtub which turned out to be a lake and I was in my hipwaders, reeling in my line, like he was an eight pound tuna on my hook. Reeling him in and letting him loose, we played cat and mouse for a solid ten dream minutes before the whole fishing scenario finally bored me enough to just bring him in. Of course, even in my dreams, I'm not stupid and I made someone else undo the hook from his mouth, just so I could release him and start all over again. What would Freud have to say about that? Did you ever notice that most of his theories revolved around penis envy. Surely, I do not jest.

Well, I am off to listen to some moderately loud music and play domestic goddess before heading upstairs to bed. Sweet dreams all, enjoy the lunar eclipse.

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