Well, all I have to say is, at least he didn't pick the girl whose boyfriend had no idea he'd been dumped, otherwise Mr. F. would have made my list of top ranking idiots. Still I have to wonder if any feelings they have, can actually be real, or just concocted out of need to supply the television audience with some sizzle. But in reality, these tv shows while making a killing in the ratings, fall very short of their mark to produce relationships that have any chance of survival, once the cameras have all gone home.

Obviously, marrying a millioniare didn't get Darva Conger very far, and Aaron and Helene suffered through a very short lived engagenment and who could forget about Joe "I'm not really a millionaire, but I play one on tv" and Zora "humiliated but compensated" from Foxes Joe Millionaire, where the most likable person turned out to be the butler. Time still has yet to tell, on the last Bacholorette Trista and her man Ryan, yet I'm not holding out too much hope that they'll actually find themselves reeping marital bliss any time soon. Call me a cynic, but I'm not buying into happily ever after.

The only downfall I can see, to all of the above scenarios, is that even I have been hoodwinked into becoming a member of the viewing audience. I may not have been a dedicated viewer, but it goes to show that catching a little bit of the "trainwreck", was more than enough to keep me informed and in the know.

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