Just another day, is how my Mother's Day is turning out to be. Which has included a maternal reminder to my young daughter KC, that the bed is not and never will be a trampoline, and that all jumping as of now is strictly forbidden. I am sure that if I had a rope, I would be at the end of it by now.

We've had some nasty thunderstorms today which have unfortunately kept us confined within the house. And just like a Sunday there is absolutely nothing good to be found on tv. I should know, I've clicked on every single station at least a trillion and one times today. So then I searched my library for something to read, but found as usual, that I have completely exhausted my reading supplies. You know it's bad when you pick up a book and can instantly remember what the story line was about and how many times you have re-read it since your initial purchase. Yes folks, I am a re-reader!

I once knew a lady who thought it was ridiculous to buy a book because after reading them, they became worthless in her opinion. This was also the same opinion she shared about movies. But I've always disagreed. It's like being given a gift twice, where your enjoyment never declines with each giving.

Uh oh. Sounds like we've got another boomer overhead, which means time for me to log off and shut down.

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms!

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