Someday I am going to have a t-shirt printed that asks the simple question of "WHY XY?" ... How can one little chromosome be the cause of so much stress and upheaval in the world? When you consider the answer to the age old question of "How many licks can you get from a tootsie roll tootsie pop ..." I am not surprised to find, that
"The world may never know." Sometimes men can be plain old ignorant!

It's the age old stereotype of how women and men are perceived in the workplace. If a man demonstrates his frustrations by putting his foot down, he is perceived as taking charge. While a woman, presented in the exact same scenario is perceived as being a bitch or worse yet suffering from that "time of the month". Today marks the second day, of having a bit of a run-in with a certain male co-worker, who suffers from DMS, otherwise known as Disillusioned Male Syndrome. Now in his defense, he isn't always so hard to get along with although there are moments when he walks down the halls, as if he is expecting the red sea to part. Unfortunately, lately it's been the latter and never one to back down from a confrontation when I know I'm in the right ... Or just feeling plain old stubborn, "John" (not his real name) and I have been locking horns.

Within 10 minutes of my being at work this morning, John decided to get an early start to his own "Bruce Almighty" routine. It took all of three seconds for my blood to get fired up to the point of boiling and it was in those very seconds when I came back with the ultimate comeback to quid pro quo his statement of, "Don't give me your attitude." The answer my fellow sisters and a sure fire slogan for any t-shirt is, "Don't Like My Attitude? Then Don't Give Me Yours!" Feel free to use that the next time some XY'er gives you a hassle.

"I require only three things of a man. He must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid." ~ Dorothy Parker, in John Keats, You Might As Well Live (1970)

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