Can't call.

Can't write.

Can't just say hello ...

The BOY irritates me.

Irritates me because he doesn't seem to know I'm gone. Doesn't seem to miss emails of random silliness, with crazy messed up subject lines, that never actually pertained to anything.

Doesn't seem to miss the fact that I could make him laugh and smile, even when he'd be in the foulest mood. Or the way I used to purposely set out to annoy him, just so he could enjoy a good argument.

I swear it used to make his night if he got me to type "Humph!" To him it was like the sound of victory. Of course, immediately following, he'd be made to suffer the consequences of the silent treatment.

But that didn't mean he'd limit himself to silence. He'd start flinging comments of why men were better than women. A completely groundless theory, but one he pursued nonetheless, as it was always a surefire way to put an end to the silence.

It wasn't as if I could have held out on my own for too long anyway. Silence isn't exactly second nature to me. But ending it before it had barely begun, seemed to inflate his ego to seismic proportions. I'm sure if he had been a gorilla, he would have danced around his living room while beating his chest like a drum.

But, like it or not, he just doesn't seem to miss me.

I have to say that the BOY is a complete idiot. Normally, I might feel bad for saying this. But, in this case it happens to be absolutely true. The Boy IS a moron. There is no other possible reason for why he just doesn't get it! I am a completely missable person! In fact, there are plenty of people out there missing me right now! I just can't seem to figure out why he's not one of them.

The BOY must be out of his mind!

So my dear Mr. B, hiding in the great big blue somewhere out there, even though you don't miss me the tiniest little bit, this girl still misses you ... a smidgen.

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