Happy 4th of July, despite the fact that I didn't see a single firework blazing across the night sky. Oh well, it's too damn hot anyway. I feel like the witch in the Wizard of Oz, as she sinks down into the floorboards, "I'm melting ... I'm melting."

Apartment 3 came home today with a brand new air conditioner. I wonder if they would notice, if I were to try to wiggle it out of their window and pop it into mine. Maybe I'll go over there later and explain the whole better to give than to keep for yourself philosophy. Of course, with the way my luck has been going lately, they probably won't even answer the door.

I think I'll go stick my head in the freezer for a few moments. Can we say "Hello frozen treats!"?

G'night to all and to all a G'night.

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