KC married Emma tonight with a simple kiss on the nose. I'm not quite sure where she picked up the idea, but she seems to think that kissing is the equivalent of an I do. Emma wasn't as sold on the idea as KC, and decided to evacuate her comfy spot on the couch, launching herself up the stairs like a bottle rocket. The poor cat looked postively petrified, and I for one can't blame her. After all, I've witnessed many a kitty makeover on a rainy afternoon.

Jodi's graduation party is set for this weekend and if the weather reports are accurate, it should be blue skies all the way. Although smooth sailing cannot be guaranteed when too many people from the same gene pool, gather in the same location. There's a certain set of sparks, I'm already expecting to fly ... It should make for an interesting day.

I am to bed early tonight, to try and catch up on some serious zzzz's that have been eluding me lately. Here's to sweet dreams and alarm clocks that don't go off before their time.

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