Too tired to blog tonight, I leave you with the following statement I made at work today, captured in a moment of unbridled anger.

I whipped around, hand on hips, my nostrils flaring and my eyes burning with anger, as rage overwhelmed me. I'm so sick of this, sick, sick, sick!

You walk away from me, away from the problem in my hands, leaving me standing there speaking to nothing but an empty wall. My blood boils, hot pipes of steam come whistling from my ears.
Arrrgh! I am so done!

It is a full blown temper tantrum in the hallway. The F's start flying. Candy reminds me it is not after 5, but I could care less. I stoop my shoulders, my eyes darkening like the coming of a storm.

"Want to see me turn into Super Bitch?" I say, my voice laced with sarcasm. "LOOK, just did."

Send in the salt and chocolate boys, this girls out of control!

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