I've just spent the last few minutes or so sneaking a peek around the blogging world, to see how all the posting was going. I was surprised to see that a lot of people are using photos for their half hour entries. Well, paint me blue and call me a smurf, cause I am green with envy!

At the moment, I use free blogger which doesn't provide the means to post pictures. I checked out the upgrade info last week and even attempted to do the upgrade, but of course, some technical difficulty interrupted the whole process.

The day is young and I suppose there is time to try again. But until the time that I have photo capabilities on site, I'm going on the record to say that photo posting is cheap, cheap, cheap.

Yo people, the smurf link is cool. It's actually a smurf name generator. According to the powers that be, my smurf name is Heterosexual Smurf. I for one can only say that I am relieved to know my true identity at last ...

(Heh ... Mom's smurf name is Man-Eating Smurf. Oh too funny.)

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