Instructing a seven year old, on the fine art of how to dip, without double dipping, is a true art form. One which requires patience, perserverence and a fine sense of humor.

Dining out at a local pizzeria tonight, KC finally let go the last of her reservations and finally decided to see what the buzz was all about with a tentative dip of a breadstick into marinara sauce.

Taking a bite, she scrunched her face up into an "Eeeew this is nasty" look, but then gave herself completely away by going back for more.

"This is yummy." she said, dipping her half eaten stick back into the marinara before taking another large bite.

"I've only been telling you that for the past ... hmmm ... let's see ... Seven years?" I sighed, almost regretting that I had, as I watched her double dip yet another breadstick. KC grinned her cheeky smile.

"OK. Since you evidently like the sauce, we're going to need a little lesson here. First things first, you only dip the breadstick once ..." I said, even as KC was going for her second dunk.

I raised my eyebrows, giving her the classic Mom look.

"Once KC, meaning one time, meaning not two." I stressed. "You dip it once, take a bite and then, and this is the key part so pay attention ... Then you turn the breadstick around to the side on which you didn't take a bite and then you're allowed a second dip. It's as easy as that."

KC was none too impressed however, moving on from the sticks to the pizza.

"Let's have a stare contest." She said, widening her eyes, "You know why you blink Mom? It's so your eyes don't dry out."

And so dinner went on, double dipping and all ...

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