Mothers are devious creatures when it comes to getting what they want. Withholding information to the whereabouts of their new blog home, until such time as their daughter does the same.

Don't think that I don't know, that she thinks, I won't be able to hold out much longer. I've got at least another few days before I cave and until then, I am the picture of strength and perserverance. A regular poster girl.

If I had a picket sign, I'd be out marching past her house, singing Peter, Paul and Mary songs at the top of my lungs. I'd set up a tent and camp beneath the loblolly trees, and order take out to be delivered in. I'd call all the news media and hold a press conference, standing out in the cold rain shivering, black mascara running down my face. I'd talk in a small girls voice, and demurely raise my face to the camera as they zoomed in for a close up.

"Be kind to your daughters." I would say, between racking coughs, struggling with myself to remain standing. "This all could have been avoided if she'd only shown me her blog ... If only she'd ..." I'd try to finish saying, before passing out, my body slumping down in exhaustion, as two brawny ambulence attendents come tearing across the lawn to my aid.

"We need mouth to mouth over here stat!" They'd yell, ripping open my shirt to better perform the compressions. "Good Lord, check out the set of lungs on this one!" And then I'd be breathing again, my eyelids fluttering open to find myself staring deep into the golden brown eyes of Mr. "Thank You Very Much Can I Have Your Phone Number Please".

"Forgive me, forgive me!", my Mother would cry. "I'll never try to hold my blog hostage from you ever again. Oh how could I have been so cruel to my youngest child ... Oh the horror, the horror!"

Reaching out my hand from my semi-reclined posistion on the hospital gurney, my new beau by my side, I'd clasp my Mother's hand. "I love you Mom ... I forgive you. Now go get me a lap top and tell me the name of your blog!"

Second to the right
straight on till morning
that's where I'll be waiting
Second to the right
straight on till morning

Hola, tick-tock
my time is up
Pedro says
I will forget him in days
in my new life, no room for a lost boy
boys can be so dumb sometimes ...

~ Operation Peter Pan ... Tori Amos
Just a little of what I'm listening to tonight.

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