Liquid fertilizer should be illegal.

The smell of "farm fresh" is wafting across the fields tonight, like hot garbage in the sun. Proving my point, that even though I love the wide open spaces of country life, it can also have its drawbacks too.

The word ripe doesn't even come close to describing just how foul the air can smell after a good crop dusting. But, living in the country, it's something you unfortunately come to terms with. After all, there's not a lot of choices. You can either deal with the stench or keep your house locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

Around dinner time, Fort Knox seems like the better option of the two. It's really hard to enjoy your meal when everything smells like cowshit. "Pass the bread ma and the manure too.", is not something you hear around most tables and yet the smell is so repugnant, you almost feel like you're staring at a heaping plate of cow pie.

It's so powerful, it can even wake you from a sound sleep at two in the morning. Take my advice, leaving a fan on, when you are directly down wind of a foul odor, is not exactly in your best interest, unless you've got it on exhaust.

Not the case with me however, KC turned on the fan in the middle of the night and I nearly woke up choking. Confused, I looked around the room trying to figure out how the smell had gone stereo. The familiar purr of the fan along with the accompanying snores from a small body camped out on the bedroom floor, provided the answer.

At 2 in the morning, it was beyond me why KC would have bothered with a fan, when she was covered from head to toe, with not one, but two fleece blankets. It made absolutely no sense, but then nothing rarely does in the wee hours of the morning.

Tonight, I'm taking no chances.

I've already hid the fan.

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