So KC is still sleeping, which is quite amazing since a normal Saturday begins, with her waking me up at the crack of dawn. I guess the little munchkin must be tired from all the recent excitement.

Still I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth ... I really hope that is how the expression goes, cause right now I'm rereading that and thinking it doesn't sound very right at all.

It's quite possible that it's another one of those expressions, I get mixed up on. I don't even want to admit how many years I spent saying "Fish out of luck" rather than "Fresh out of luck."

You know I always did wonder how it was a fish could be out of luck. I guess I just figured it had something to do with being on the hook and bound for the frying pan.

Regardless of what expression, I should or shouldn't be using, if the minor child is still sleeping, let it not be me who wakes her up.

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