Homage To the Tooth Fairy

Tough night last night trying to get any sleep with my tooth throbbing angrily in pain. With no pain reliever of my own in sight and a face wet with tears, I had no other choice but to give the chewable children's Tylenol a try to see if it could possibly provide any relief. Doubling the dosage and heading back upstairs to bed with a new cold compress, I continued to toss and turn until somewhere after two this morning, when exhaustion finally won over the pain.

Amazingly enough, waking up to a new day didn't help my case any. With the left side of my face completely swollen, even the slightest movement of my jaw sent shockwaves of distress scrambling to my brain. It's just a few more hours until your appointment, I reminded myself as I went about getting ready for work. You're a trooper, you can handle this ... You did after all manage child birth and goodness only knows this isn't anything like that. Though I was really thinking, no it's worse.

So I spent the entire morning mumbling through my mouth, offering to my fellow co-workers their one and only chance to pop me in the mouth for any past grievance they'd like to get even with me for. But not one person was willing to take me up on my offer or even give it a trial swing. Though I dare say I would have welcomed a distraction from the pain.

Girl that I am, one not overly fond of the dentist and all his tools for torture, found myself practically salivating over the oral surgeon when my appointment finally came around. Considering dropping to my knees and begging him to just take the damn tooth out now, and to hell with the consultation, I was more than happy when he prescribed some serious pain relievers. "I could just kiss you!" I told him, as he stood there smiling indulgently at me.

The pain however is far from over. According to my new Doc, my wisdom tooth is impacted, growing in the wrong way in a mouth too small to accommodate it (and boy, did my co-workers have a laugh over me having a small mouth. To hear you, is not to come to that conclusion they said.) and because of it's position (#17) and the difficulty the extraction is going to prove to be, the Doc says he's going to have to have me completely sedated. Oh joy ...

Telling me far more than I ever really wanted to know, ie: cutting the gums, drilling and all other sorts of really bad sounding ideas, with the expectation of being down for the count at least two days following (there goes the Xmas party) I'm trying to forget most of what he said. Let it be known now, that I am a firm believer in the opinion that ignorance is truly bliss sometimes.

With my work day finally over, the first thing I did upon getting home tonight, other than checking my email, sending out the appropriate replies and giving the cats their evening meal, was pop two of my newly prescribed pain relievers. They didn't take long to work, making my idea of blogging earlier in the night a no go. Instead I retreated to the couch, with a soft pillow and two blankets and passed out, waking only about 15 minutes ago to find myself here.

The pain however is slowly easing itself back in and with eyes red and rimmed with black, it's back to the kitchen I'll go now to take another dose and then take myself upstairs and right back to bed.

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