Hookie Times Two

Friday morning and the snow is coming down in fast flurries of white. KC's wrapped up in her favorite blanket on the living room floor watching Dora with Octavia cuddled by her side. Not feeling well, complaining of a tummy ache and other assorted ailments, I decided to let her stay home with me for the day. Hopefully if she is coming down with something, an extra day of rest will do her good and see her on the mend before it can escalate into a full blown winter cold. Something that around Christmas time would really suck.

I'm about to go grab a shower and face the day. Dr. R is first on my list to call this morning in hopes he can fit me in just long enough to tell me what's going on with my mouth and possibly order me up some more pain pills since I am down to 5 and cannot fathom going the weekend without. At least not with a sharp piece of bone ripping my tongue to shreds ...

And my poor Mom seems to be in a similar predicament with her own teeth. Hopefully she'll feel better soon as well. (Miss and love you Mom!)

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