A Slow Torture

For those of you who guessed I'd be coming home early this morning after an unsuccessful trip to the dentist, go ahead and give yourself 5 points. And for those few of you who also guessed I'd find myself dissolving into tears not even three steps out of the doctor's office, to continue sobbing the entire way home as I called into work and said, "I'm in too much pain to come back," give yourself a whopping 10 points. And for those of you who are planning an intervention due to my new found addiction to percaset, just remind me how my life used to be, before constant pain led me to such drastic measures ...

Speaking of percaset, I just took two which should be knocking me out momentarily.

I think I'll go cry myself to sleep.

1 comment:

Orbling said...


Hope the medicine is helping, clove oil sometimes helps. If I get a really bad tooth problem, I use some benzocaine spray - that helps.

/me prays the dentists do something for you very soon.


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