Did I ever tell you, that I do a mean Dr. Ruth impersonation?

For real, it's absolutely true. People around the fax machine were most impressed with my "sexually speaking" skills.

But, I can't take all the credit. If it weren't for a certain local radio station who aired her show every Sunday night at 10, then I never would have learned as much as I did, when I was still a naive youngster.

Joe, who happened to be in the fax room, around the time this little chit chat was taking place today, had only one question to ask.

"Is this the sort of conversation you two really need to be having when I'm in the room?" (I was thinking YES!)

What a prude! (Besides I'm quite sure he doth protests too much ...)

Alright people, I am to bed. I've blogged more than my share today and I need some sleep! And you can bet for damn sure, I am triple checking that alarm of mine before I hop into bed tonight!

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