Tree down in the backyard ... Hmmm, sounds like something you would say in passing.

Hi there. How are ya? There's a tree down in the backyard. Good to see you. We'll do lunch ...

Or then again, maybe not.

But there is ... a tree down in the backyard. A big old pine tree toppled over, its top half lying on the ground and down the road, there's another tree blocking the road, pulling down the power wires.

I have power for now. I didn't earlier. In fact, that's the very reason I am able to be blogging right now. KC's school got cancelled this morning, and although she could have spent the afternoon at the sitters, I decided to come home. Heck, I'll be honest, it was Friday and I didn't feel like working anyway.

So I picked her up and we went to lunch, and spent the time talking about what happened at school today when the lights went out. KC told me she bravely stood up and told the class not to worry, because it was only your standard blackout.

I guess I should be proud that my child is up on her current events. Ah, my child the drama queen. (Like Grandmother, like mother, like daughter ...)

So anyhoo, after lunch we opted for shopping and went to my most favorite store in the whole world, Barnes and Noble. Fifty dollars later, it was time to leave for home. I got a new Dar Williams CD (Out There LIVE), a new book which I might add after reading 3 pages looks like it is going to be absolutely wonderful entitled, A Window Across the River by Brian Morton, and for KC, a recorder with songbook.

Now that she's been upstairs for the last half hour honking on it, I have to ask myself what the hell was I thinking! Was it a moment of insanity, or is insanity a much slower process? Either way, the one thing I am getting now, is a headache. My daughter did not inherit my musically inclinced genes.

Oh well, I'll have to finish this later ... There's another thunderstorm rolling in, time to duck and cover.

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