Well, it's official. My mood had taken a swan dive right into the proverbial toilet of life.

I really shouldn't be surprised, since it's been a long time since October and I have really gotten along.

Perhaps I'm biased.

Or maybe I'm just suffering from a dose of seasonal affective disorder, combined with the thought that cabin fever is just a mere month away. Maybe too, the mere mention of my upcoming Nymo bills and the prospect of having to break out the ice scraper has got me feeling the blues. Either way, I am the bah humbug of Octoberfest.

But then again, it's the crisp autumn leaves that have a way of reminding me of old ghosts, that would be better left forgotten. Maybe that, combined with my recent lack of sleep is what is keeping me on the edge of this giant chasm I've come to know as home.

I am a giant ball of stress in need of unraveling.

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