If you could hear me now, you'd be hearing me screaming. I am so damn frustrated today, it's a wonder that I haven't pulled my hair out yet.

Men, in general, can be irritating ... Working with them, hazardous to your health!

This is the conclusion that I've come to, after my day was seriously ruined, by those with attitudes bigger than their heads.

What absolutely kills me, is that I was on top of the world this morning, even despite the weird light bulb dream. I was ready to have a fantastic, middle of the week, no one can bring me down hump day. That was until the guys out in shipping and other surrounding offices, decided to rain on my parade.

I am so sick of hearing the same old standby whine, that sales is the root of all evils around my workplace.

Everybody blames sales. Why this is, I have no idea. I guess the ignorant morons I work with just don't get it. Without sales, they wouldn't even have jobs. The way they act, you'd almost think we were the spawn of the guy with the pitchfork and pointy ears.

Walking out into the plant when you are a member of the sales team, is the same as wearing antlers on your head in the middle of hunting season. You're just asking for trouble.

But it seems to me, that anyone who can get overtime in the manufacturing industry, ought to be thanking their lucky stars. Manufacturing jobs all across our area, are shutting down, leaving their employees to stand in line at the local unemployment office. With so many people looking for work, it's hard to believe that there are so many chumps at mine, complaining about over time.

OVERTIME, as in they get paid time and a half, whenever they've been there longer than 8 hours. Give me a second and I just might not break out the Kleenex here. Ever since I went salary, overtime for me is a thing of the past, and it's not that I don't work it, cause I do, it's just that I don't get paid for it anymore. In fact, as far as perks go for being salary, I've yet to see any of them.

So this is how it goes ...

Shipping can screw up, forget to load an item on a truck, and manufacturing can screw up and send a customer ivy-green when he ordered royal blue, but sales isn't supposed to complain. We're just supposed to take the verbal tongue bath from our customer, you know, the guy at the other end of the phone that nobody else but sales has to speak with, and try our best to smooth it out and make nice. It seems to me, when it comes to accountability, nobody but sales is bending over to take the spanking.

And trust me, when I make a boo boo, I claim it and take my lumps when I have to. At least I do when I'm at work, that is. But the notion that I am going to sit around there, and let everyone use me as their personal doormat is absolutely ridiculous!

Not in this lifetime, baby! I don't do that martyr thing for anyone.

But people must have gotten me confused with someone else who is willing to deal with mass amounts of bullshit, cause they keep trying to pile it up outside my door.

Mr. Dailey himself, tried throwing a little attitude at me today, only to find out the hard way, that I wasn't having it. No matter how many times I've tried to explain it to people, they just don't get it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the minute you think you can fly your attitude at me, you better be damn well prepared when I start flinging it back.

But I'm supposed to grow a thick skin.

That's the advice my boss, in his infinite wisdom, has given me. Forgive me, if I think it's time he starts rethinking his position.

Since when did common courtesy become an option? I think that a little peace, love and understanding would get us a lot further than this in-house bickering, where we all stand like a room full of children throwing tantrums, because we all want to play with the same toy.

And just because I'm female, don't treat me like your good little Christian wife at home and think you can get away with saying whatever you want to me. Just because you happen to have balls, and the dick to go with it, doesn't mean that I am going to let anyone talk to down to me, in any fashion they so choose. Talk about the wrong answer!

I just want to growl and throw today away, so I can start again, with a smile on my face and a song in my heart and end the night on a happy note. There's nothing that makes me feel worse, than somebody who lives to bring me down!

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