Getting up at the crack of dawn ... 5 hours of sleep. Driving into work barely conscious ... Small modern day miracle. Look on my bosses face when he sees that I'm there, absolutely priceless.

Especially when one considers he was betting ten dollars I'd be a no show. Unfortunately, the man decided to pay up with monopoly money, so despite the work getting done, I've still got nothing to show for it.

Poor me. 3 - 1/2 hours of a perfectly good Saturday wasted.

Although I think some of the plant guys were impressed, as one so aptly put it, "Oh my God! A salesperson here on a Saturday?"

I'm surprised there wasn't a mutiny ...

Doh! I almost forgot to tell you all about a funny I made last night. Brenda and I hit the mall on a get out of the house and away from the kids Friday after work excursion, only to decide as we went about, that amongst all the grunge, over pierced body parted youngsters, we really felt quite old.

Which may explain how it was that we found ourselves shopping with coupons in the Yankee Candle Shop, being nauseated by one too many scents combined in an abnormally small enclosed space and me complaining that I was about to suffer a severe headache when we spotted your average, ordinary white candle.

"Oh look at this." Brenda said, picking up the candle and holding it up to my nose. "It's called Wedding Day."

I laughed, mouth quirking up into a smile.

"Yup." I said. "It smells just like pain and suffering."

Round of applause for the jaded girl ...

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