I had a horrible day today, despite the fact that I took a two mile walk during my lunch hour, just to get out of the office to clear my head.

Nothing, and I do mean nothing, was going right. The more work there was to do on my desk, the more my phone rang ... Still, it wouldn't have been so bad, had the calls been of the easy garden variety, but every Tom, Dick and Joe Homeowner, seemed to crawl out from the woodwork demanding detailed tech instructions of which, I was only able to honestly answer half.

Still, I was never so happy to call it a day when 4:30 came around. I quickly straightened up my office, poured the remainder of my bottled water into the base of one of my nearby plants and grabbed my keys off their post hanging by the door, quietly switching off my light before heading down the hall.

It was simply time to call it quits and I was more than happy to get to the going. It was obvious to me, if not obvious to everyone else, that my patience was completely nonexistant and that going home for some seriuos R & R, was the only sensible solution for my situation.

So here I am, about to turn in early on a Friday night, in hopes that my Saturday will offer up something much better than today turned out to be and if not ... Well, I guess I don't know what I'll do.

Until tomorrow ... Here's hoping your day was much better than mine.

(End whine.)

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