The situation this morning turned out to be a domestic dispute between the new neighbors. A fact which didn't surprise me in the least, considering I suspected from the very first day they moved in that the fireworks had only just begun.

Standing outside with my (sane) neighbors, and keeping KC on our side of the driveway, beyond situation meltdown, none of us bothered to hide our curiosity to the psycho drama playing out before us. And it was a drama, complete with door slamming, screaming obscenities, and two cops doing their best to keep the two combatants far apart from each other.

Depressing however, and the least entertaining of all was trying to keep their poor son occupied and out of harms way while this whole thing was going on. Luckily he was more than happy with the suggestion that he play with KC and KT in the backyard, kicking the giant purple ball back and forth, while his parents argued over every little thing, apartment, car, clothes, and keys without ever bothering once to mention their son.

With the guy's name on the lease, it turned out that the woman had to be the one to go. Collecting her son, despite his screaming that he wanted to stay and play with the girls, she strapped him in to the car and sped out of the driveway at top speed. After that, things pretty much settled down. The guy went back into his apartment, the cops left and we all went on with our day as planned.

That was until an hour or so later when KC decided to run outside to the car really quick and grab a CD out to listen to. A moment in which was just long enough for psycho guy next door to approach my daughter and ask her to ask me if I could give him a ride somewhere.

To say that I went over my own edge of reason, would be putting it mildly, too mildly. I was pissed off to hell and back. After the scene we had all just witnessed outside, it floored me that this guy would have the audacity to even look in our direction, let alone approach a child, and my child at that. I so don't fucking think so.

Bringing myself to my full intimidating five foot height, I shot him a look of utter revulsion as I pulled KC inside, turning my back on him and closing my door without so much as a word. Words not necessary considering my opinion was written all over my face.

Because if there is one thing in this world that I just won't tolerate, it's a man with a short fuse and a nasty temper. Not now, not tomorrow and certainly not the day after never.

Problem is he's still here, living one short walk away across the driveway and God only knows whether he's mentally stable or not. So much for living in the middle of nowhere to ensure safety, not when the new landlords are more interested in filling the space, rather than finding the right people to live here.

One can only hope, since I'm assuming this guy doesn't have a job, that he won't be able to afford the rent much longer. And it's not that I'm a cold hearted bitch against all men everywhere, it's just that until he's gone, my golden thread of safety dangles precariously in the wind.

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