This Way to Friday

A bit hit and miss with posting yesterday. Sometimes it's funny how you can have a thousand thoughts with none of them worth their salt for writing down. So when I tried last night, tried thinking of something to get all bloggy about only to realize that I had a whole bunch of nothing, I decided to sign off, shut down and turn in for the night.

Today ended on an upswing. Work around the office was light today, and I spent more time goofing off than most anything else. Whether it was discussing tattoos with Mike, providing an intervention for Sean, or giving the cold shoulder to Slug, today was a much needed day for driving in the slow lane.

Meanwhile most -though not all - of my family spent the day in Syracuse enjoying the State Fair. Just my luck they picked the one day that I couldn't go. (Office politics mandate my presence, both the day before and the day after a scheduled holiday in order to be paid for the holiday itself.) Oh well, at least KC got to go with Grandpa and have a little pre-back to school fun. (But damn, I missed the Butter Sculpture!)

With KC spending the rest of the weekend with her Dad, things around here are going to be pretty quiet. Then again, anything could happen given enough time. For now, there is dinner to be made and emails to be written.

1 comment:

KC said...

Would have loved to been witness to the verbal tongue lashing you must have given them ... Although, I doubt having the luxury van makes you weep anything other than tears of joy.

Did you call this morning? My machine wasn't plugged in and I wasn't awake enough to bother answering.

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