For The Love of Law Enforcement

Bright side of waking to find cops in the driveway (yet again this morning) is the fact that I woke up just in time to see them hauling psycho boy neighbor into the back seat complete with handcuffs. Not too sure about what's all been going on, but plan to find out later this morning once Sheila comes out to play. Because if anyone is bound to know the whole scoop, it's her.

This is what I do know however ... At precisely 9:01, I left my bed with plans only to leave long enough to shut off the fan. At that time, I looked out the window and noticed not one, not two, but exactly 4 County sheriff patrol cars, and one State Police car. With some very seriously good looking officers outside, I considered going outside to talk to them to not only (a) ensure the safety of my living habitat, (b) find out whether or not we'll have to worry about burglar boy coming back but to also (c) shamelessly flirt with them the entire time.

Considering my state of dress however, white and pink matching pajamas and some seriously scary bed hair, I opted to open the front door only and watch from a distance. Nosy or not, I think I've got a right to know what sort of crazy people live next door, especially when I'm in shooting distance. That and I always fashioned myself a modern day Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden. And it just so happens I've got law enforcement blood running through my veins. My great grandfather on my mother's side was the Chief of Police of Glens Falls way back in the day, with rumor to have also served in the FBI. With that kind of heritage, I could practically make a citizen's arrest ... Maybe I should go ask about joining up.

As for now, I really need to jump into the shower and get my day started. Called Dad and he wants to leave within the hour for our morning outing. It's always fun going out with Dad in public now that he's gotten to an age where sporting a fanny pack every where he goes is the in thing and he puts on his silly I'm your best friend voice while calling people he doesn't know Buddy. Oooh Sheila's home. Must go.

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