Shrews and Other Things

Hit the snooze button more than a couple times this morning and really should be getting ready - considering the time and the fact that by far, yesterday was my latest arrival to work ever in my five year history. Nine minutes late to be exact. Although I think that had more to do with KC than with anything else.

Waking up on the wrong side of the hemisphere, my little one decided it was her against the world yesterday. Unfortunately for me, I turned out to be the world, and on the receiving end of some pretty powerful words.

In KC's defense, she's normally a pretty good kid. A bit of an attitude now and then, although quite frankly I admire her spirit, and refuse to crush it, it's hard sometimes to deal with the things she says when she is in her full druthers.

Yesterday it was the, "I want to go live with Daddy, because Daddy would let me. And Daddy wouldn't be so mean." And while what I really wanted to share was my true opinion of her father, and how she'd find life living in his household, I kept my mouth shut at the same time I was bandaging up my heart.

Because I know she really didn't mean it. It's just the only thing she knows how to say when she needs to blow off steam, and I have to be the smart one and not take the bait. For when the tide rolls over, and the seas are calm again, she's back to being my darling daughter again.

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